컨트롤 판넬을 제작 완료하여 캐나다 밴쿠버 현장에 설치하고 시운전을 마무리하였습니다.
We manufactured and installed control panel at Vancouver, Canada. Test run is completed.
시운전 후 고객사에서 매우 만족하시며 2대분을 추가 발주하셨습니다.
After the test run, the customer was very satisfied and ordered two additional units.
* Episode *
지독한 노이즈 지옥에 빠져 고생하다가 힘겹게 탈출 후 혼자 코리아타운 가서 족발에 참이슬로 피곤을 풀었다는...
I was suffering from the noise problem. After solved the problem,
I went to Koreatown alone and relieved my fatigue with soju and pork feet...
I went to Koreatown alone and relieved my fatigue with soju and pork feet...
#plc, #iot, #plc program, #plc programming, #control panel, #hmi drawing, #smart farm, #smart factory, #ls electric, #plc 프로그램, #plc 프로그래밍, plc 자동제어, #hmi 작화, #자동제어, #컨트롤판넬제작, #스마트팜, #스마트팩토리,
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